World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022: Russia dominates the world market
Commenting on the just published “World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022”, the annual report on the global situation of the nuclear industry, energy expert and Green MEP Jutta Paulus, member of the Environment Committee, substitute member of the Industry Committee of the European Parliament:
“The new World Nuclear Industry Status Report shows the overwhelming dominance of Russia in the international nuclear market. 20 reactors are currently being built by Russian energy companies, 17 of them outside the Russian Federation.
There will be no European energy sovereignty as long as nuclear power plants in Europe remain on the grid, dependent on Russian spare parts and Russian fuel rods. Any discussion of lifetime extensions or new builds ignores the fact that Europe can never become energy independent with nuclear power. An embargo on uranium imports from Russia is overdue as soon as possible. The closely intertwined cooperation between European and Russian companies in the nuclear sector must be ended.”
WNISR 2022: https://www.worldnuclearreport.org/World-Nuclear-Industry-Status-Report-2022-870.html