What do bright blue eyes, dreaming butterfly researchers and teenagers who prefer to live somewhere else have in common? This all describes characteristics of the butterfly called the Blue Core […]
Those who dislike mosquitoes and spiders should welcome the collared flycatcher as their best friend. The small bird prefers to eat insects, larvae, spiders and other small invertebrates, occasionally a […]
Who knows the International Shad Commission? No one today; it also existed for only two years. Founded in 1895, its goal was to counteract the decline of the allis shad stock. This […]
The European Pond Turtle is back in Rhineland-Palatinate! After being heavily hunted in the Middle Ages and sold as a fasting food at the market in Speyer, it finally became […]
A small head on a long neck towers above the stalks of a tall meadow and looks at you with lightning-quiet eyes? If you have ever been able to observe […]
The urticularia bremii is a carnivorous plant, also called Bremi’s water hose. It is the fastest predator in the plant kingdom, catching its prey within two milliseconds. By comparison, the […]
Until the 1980s, the hamster was considered a crop pest and was relentlessly persecuted at times. However, its sharp decline is the result of ever larger, monotonous fields, the use […]
The rock grayling is almost invisible in its habitat. With its irregular brown colouring, it is perfectly camouflaged in sandy pine and oak forests. Moreover, it is often confused with […]
The black grouse was once widespread in barren areas and even breeds at altitudes between about 1500 and 2200 metres. In Germany, there are still populations in the Rhön, in […]
The little banded grasshopper is a member of the short-feathered grasshopper family. It has been extinct in Central Europe since the early 1940s. Isolated specimens can still be found in […]