State of the Environment Report (SOER) 2020

Photo:Blick_von_der_Wegelnburg_nach_Norden -H.Schreiber

The report by the European Environment Agency “The Environment in Europe: State and Outlook” (SOER = State of the Environment Report) is an analysis of the state of the environment in the European Union published every five years. The data come from own surveys by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Environmental Information Service (EEI) and the observation network Eionet, a partnership network between the 27 EU member states and six cooperating states. In order to maintain the high quality, all articles are cross-checked by independent scientists.

The report is divided into eleven thematic chapters

1) Biodiversity and nature
2) Fresh water
3) Land and soil
4) marine environment
5) Climate change
6) Air pollution
7) circular economy
8) Chemical pollution
9) Noise pollution
10) Industrial pollution
11) Environmental hazards and sectors

All chapters will be published here as a summarized version in the next few weeks.
The original text can be downloaded here:

The next report is expected in late 2020.