PRESS RELEASE:UN report „Emissions Gap Report 2020“: We are heading towards a global warming of more than 3 degrees
The new “Emissions Gap Report” of the United Nations has just been published. According to this report, humanity is currently heading for a world that will be more than 3 degrees warmer by the end of this century. The report emphasizes the need for comprehensive and drastic measures, also in connection with recovery aid in the wake of the Corona pandemic. A special focus is put on the responsibility of the shipping and aviation industry.
Greens/EFA MEP Jutta Paulus comments:
“Without further measures to reduce emissions, maritime shipping and air traffic alone will consume 60 – 220 percent of the remaining CO2 budget in 2050. Maritime shipping must finally take responsibility for climate policy – just like any other sector. Unfortunately, the International Maritime Organization again failed to adopt effective measures in November. We cannot wait any longer for the IMO if we are serious about reducing emissions. That is why I, as the responsible negotiator in the European Parliament, will fight next year in the negotiations with the EU Commission and the Council for the introduction of an efficiency target for large ships, the extension of the ETS to maritime shipping, and the creation of a fund for marine protection and support for climate-friendly shipping.
Homework for EU leaders: Read the UN report before your summit tomorrow! The world’s largest single market and self-proclaimed green pioneer must improve its climate target. I see an urgent responsibility at European level to tackle methane emissions from agriculture, the energy sector and waste management. After all, to achieve an EU climate target of 55 or 60 percent, methane emissions in Europe must be reduced by more than 30 percent.
We must finally reduce global methane emissions with comprehensive and binding measures. Saving methane emissions from the oil and gas sector alone could reduce the global emissions gap for achieving the Paris climate protection goals by 15 percent. I therefore call on the European Commission to include legislative proposals to reduce the climate killer methane in its work program for 2021. At the international level, I expect the Authority for the International Monitoring of Methane Emissions to begin its work as soon as possible”.
The “Emissions Gap Report” is a report on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change published regularly by the United Nations. It is intended to document the gap between the international community’s commitments to CO₂ emissions and what has actually been achieved. Click here for the current report: