PRESS RELEASE: New EU energy label comes into force today

PRESS RELEASE, Monday, 1st of March 2020 – Brussels

New EU energy label comes into force today
The new EU energy label for household appliances came into force today. It reverts to levels A to G and abolishes the subsequently introduced levels A+++, A++ and A+. In the new label, level A remains free for the time being to create room for improvements in future products.
According to the EU Commission, the previous energy label together with the Ecodesign Directive saved around 1750 terawatt hours of energy annually. This is equivalent to the energy consumption of Italy. The new energy label is expected to add another 167 terawatt hours.
Green MEP Jutta Paulus, Member of the Environment Committee and substitute member of the Industry and Energy Committee:
„Energy efficiency is indispensable for the energy transition. The new EU energy label is the right way to enable consumers to make a transparent comparison of the energy consumption of electrical appliances. The abolition of the confusing A+, A++ and A+++ levels was overdue.
However, there is still room for improvement. For one thing, by no means all appliances fall under the labelling regulation; computers or hairdryers are still not classified. And the label should be further expanded to take into account not only energy consumption during operation, but also resource and energy consumption during production.”
Jutta Paulus is available for questions and interviews.