PRESS RELEASE: Europe must become independent of energy imports
The EU energy ministers met this afternoon for a special session on the occasion of the war in Ukraine. They spoke about the consequences of the invasion for the European energy markets. Among other things, it was decided that the European Union should become independent of Russian energy imports. Capacities are to be expanded by next winter in order to secure European energy supplies from next winter onwards. In addition, Ukraine is to be connected to the European energy infrastructure as quickly as possible. Currently, the energy sector in Ukraine and Moldova is running in the so-called island mode, which increases the risk of blackouts.
Tomorrow, March 1, the European Parliament will vote on demands and positions on the Ukraine war in a special session. The draft resolution negotiated between the political groups is very likely to be adopted. On energy, the text calls for, among other things: Ending energy dependencies, especially on gas, oil and coal from Russia; Diversification of energy sources;
Stopping Nord Stream 2; increasing energy efficiency and accelerating energy transition; ending nuclear cooperation with Russia. The final vote result will be announced at 16:45.
Jutta Paulus, energy expert and MEP of The Greens/EFA group comments:
“Our massive dependence on energy imports must end as soon as possible. Europe must get out of fossil and nuclear energies and push ahead with the Europe-wide expansion of renewables. Those who were not convinced by scientifically sound climate policy arguments are now seeing the security policy consequences of our dependencies.
The expansion of renewables alone will not be enough to achieve the EU climate target. On behalf of the Greens/EFA Group, I will work in the negotiations on the new EU Energy Efficiency Directive towards ensuring that energy efficiency finally comes first. Every one percent increase in energy efficiency leads to a reduction in gas imports of almost three percent.”