A bridge over troubled water – International Online-Conference for biodiversity


On 2 March 6 pm (CET)

Watching the Earth’s species extinction is no fun for anyone. To finally turn the tide, it will take committed and effective action from governments and business. Two upcoming key moments in the next few months will be the planned EU renaturation law and the World Biodiversity Conference in Kunming/China. Enormous headwinds against comprehensive and binding targets are to be expected.

But there is a social rethink. Businesses, citizens, hunting, agriculture and European institutions want to get involved in species conservation and are doing so. Far beyond greenwashing campaigns and with real conviction.

In this conference, we will present initiatives and institutions that, contrary to the overwhelming rejection of renaturation and sustainable management, are nevertheless doing exemplary work. We want to show the conservation heroes of their sectors and get to know their motives and preconditions. So that even more people and actors become bridges over the raging waters.

I am pleased to welcome the following speakers:

  • Dr. Anastasios Hovarda, from Callisto Greece for Social Coexistence with Predators
  • Brian Sheridan, from the Irish Community Wetland Forum as a bog resident.
  • Markus Gaub, farmer on the rewetted Wurzacher Ried
  • Robert Richter, CEO of Ritex, on the topic of corporate decisions for biodiversity
  • Mykhailo Nesterenko, from Rewilding Ukraine on renaturation as a social and geopolitical tool
  • Jakub Wejchert, from the European Commission, on the planned EU renaturation law.

A German-English translation is planned.